High5 High5 Gel Energético Cafeína (40g, x20, Frambuesa)

Por High5
SKU: 105990080013GBR

Impuestos incluidos

Energy Gel Caffeine is a convenient, fruity gel which delivers carbohydrate and caffeine straight to your muscles during exercise.

Energy Gel Caffeine is smooth with a light consistency, making it easy to have on the go. And, because it’s made with natural fruit juice, it tastes great too! Easy to open and swallow, each sachet delivers 23g of carbohydrate energy and 30mg caffeine.

  • 23 g de energía de hidratos de carbono
  • With caffeine (30mg/sachet)
  • Auténticos sabores de zumo para un ligero sabor refrescante
  • Apto para vegetarianos y veganos
  • Contents: 20 x 40g Gels

Energy Gel Caffeine is designed to be taken BEFORE and DURING exercise.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta el medio ambiente y mantenga limpio el campo llevándose los envoltorios vacíos de los geles después de usarlos.

Which HIGH5 gel to choose: Energy Gel Caffeine or Energy Gel Aqua Caffeine?

There is no right or wrong answer: they both do the same job; it’s simply down to personal preference. Energy Gel Aqua Caffeine has a lighter consistency – somewhere between a drink and a gel. Whereas Energy Gel Caffeine is less bulky and lighter in weight, which makes it easier to carry in larger quantities.

Posología y uso

Rasgue la parte superior del sobre y beba el gel directamente del sobre. Tomar hasta tres sobres por hora durante el ejercicio, menos si también se utiliza una bebida deportiva.

Durante el ejercicio es importante mantenerse hidratado, por lo que recomendamos utilizar este producto junto con ZERO.

Max per day: 13